Sunday, December 26, 2010

Sleeping is for amateurs

I've accepted my fate as a night owl, day bird and all around stay-upper. The only thing putting me to sleep for eight hours straight is a morphine drip.

This is my mother's doing. Do you hear me, Rita? Waking me up at 7am EVERY weekend of my life as a child to help you clean or some other ridiculous grown-up chore. I never really did help.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

More of nothing

My friend Janie started a blog. I posted a comment to it using my Google/Blogger account. So what? That's what I said.

My post was committed and signed TaniaLasVegas (my clever display name). I clicked my name and there she be - GoGreenIreland under my blog list. I had to come and visit. I had to post. This is me posting nothing.

Back to my display name TaniaLasVegas. My FML name initials are TLV - see how it all comes together? FML is First Middle Last not Fuck My Life.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

You're special

and I'm not the only one who thinks so.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Happy day after boxing day!

2010 is it. Get ready for it. It's on like Donkey Kong this year. I mixed in sugar and spice into my 2010 batter and it tastes sooo good.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Happy Aniversary Tania!

Wow, it's been a year since we last visited Ireland. If it were up to me, we would be back making new memories. Too bad my bank account doesn't feel the same.

It just came to my attention that Tanialasvegas hasn't stopped her creative writting, keep up the good work, try and mention me more. So vein.

Colombia in on the brain, my co-worker is booked and ready to go in February 2010, she's stupidly waiting for me to make a quick decisions. She'll learn quickly.
Planning takes time, especially going to a destination where tourists are not well known.
A t-shirt has already been made, saying 'my parent's don't have money' this way a Colombian doesn't try and snatch me/her up, keep us captive in hopes that there is some kind of cash reward. Smart. I'll take that in a Medium, please.

Keep you posted.

Tania, throw your hands up xoxox

Has it been a year already?

It's time to make new memories. New trips. New fun. New stores. Most of my family is going to Europe in 2010 and I am determined (well, not totally determined) to join.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I won the contest

Those pesky Bell telemarketers folded. Perseverance will always reward you. Take my advice - don't answer those 14 daily mind-numbing phone calls. It will end in 31 days.

I'm a success story.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Peace owt

to Dawn Diggler and T-dot. Off to Toronto they go, with their lives packed up and stacked up in a Uhaul. Be safe, friends.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Green Monsters

I have recently become obsessed with Green Monster smoothies. I was turned on to them a few days ago and have had one everyday since. Spinach and kale as a base? Who knew? I sure didn't. I also made my first chia seed pudding to enjoy post-run. Sounds gross, right? It's so good! It tastes like tapioca, I think. I've never had tapioca, but I imagine this is how it would taste.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Slow and steady wins the race

I'm in a race against Bell telemarketers to see who will break first. I have successfully evaded upwards of 85 of their calls over the course of three weeks. How long will it be before they give up? I know they will eventually because this is not my first time at the rodeo. Just like the front door, I don't answer.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Tania says

- I still have the replacement FOB. I haven't lost it yet (again). I quit my trainer temporarily - maybe he was behind me losing my FOB?

- Motherland '09 came and went without us. I saw photos of Mickey Rourke lapping it up on the beaches of Croatia and felt pangs of envy. Following that, my cousin who lives there posted photos of her and her friends frolicking in the beaches. Of course, it's heavenly. Next year you are mine, Motherland '10.

- Enjoyed a few giggles over Kelly's lost-in-translation tattoo experience. Kelly - today I came across the notebook where I wrote T. Kelaher in cursive for Andor, trying to get the point across. somehow his interpretation of that was gang lettering.

- Have yet to wear that bad-ass dress I bought in Belfast from Zara. I have worn it around my apartment.

- Blood pudding really has blood and other ungodly parts in there. Check for this at your next traditional Irish breakfast.

- I no longer think it's weird that the Bristish Airways steward tucked me in when I fell asleep. It was sweet, just like those portable dvd players we each got.

- I've been thinking about doing a work placement camp, but I'm concerned about my safety. Need to find out that likelihood that it's a front and I'll be recruited into some unsavory underworld.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Holding it down.

Upside down. That's the wear to dry your hair a bit before you start the straightening process. The women know what I'm talking about. Why did men get let off so easy in the grooming department?

Sunday, May 10, 2009

I'm on my 3rd

FOB now. No, wait - 4th. I shelled out the 100 bones for it. Wasn't the 50$ I thought it was. I can be careless with my things. I am also a target for game-playing spririts and thieves because many of my things frequently go missing and I know it's not me.

Monday, March 23, 2009


I'm doing it again. Nothing to say.

Oh wait, yes - I am vacationing this week in Ottawa. Exactly.

Tania says

why am I updating when I have nothing to say?

I found Ricky Gervais' blog and guess what, I'm obsessed.